Eastside Camera Club - About Us

The Eastside Camera Club (ECC) is an active in-person year-round club that provides a friendly and positive environment for anyone interested in photography in Macomb County and surrounding areas of Michigan. Our informal and relaxed monthly meetings and frequent group shoot activities allow members with all levels of skill, interest and equipment to share and enhance their photography skills while enjoying the club's comraderie.

Meetings:Our Monthly Meetings begin at 6:30 PM on the 3rd Thursday of the month in Room 1 of the Shelby Township Activities Center, 14975 21 Mile Rd (north side of 21 Mile Rd, just west of Hayes). The meetings usually consist of about 30 minutes of club business and discussion, occasional brief education presentations, and 60 to 90 minutes of viewing photographs on a large flat-screen TV which members submitted as detailed here. This is a great way to improve your photography since your photographs are seen in a nurturing and supportive atmosphere by a friendly group of fellow photographers. As each photograph is shown, it is accompanied by comments, praise, compliments and/or suggestions for improvement. Submission of photos is not required if you'd prefer not to. Submitted photos are displayed on the Past Events and Photos page of this website unless you ask that they not be. After the meeting a few members typically go out for a snack at a local restaurant.
Activities:We also organize club outings called "Group Shoots" to interesting places for photography every month or two. Attendance is optional, of course. We hold an annual print competition with cash prizes. By agreement between the two clubs, ECC members can attend events of the Seven Ponds Photography Club, probably best publicized on their Facebook Page. Members of the Seven Ponds Photography Club are welcome to attend our Group Shoots.
Education:We feature a brief educational presentation at some of our meetings, and publish a set of educational articles about photography written by our members. Some of our education discusses software that club members use in their photography. We also retain a library of books and videos the members can check-out. All of this is contained on the Education tab.
Membership:Everyone age 16 or older is welcome to attend one or several meetings as a test drive if you wish, then join the club for a $25 annual membership fee (probably less when you first join since we pro-rate your first-year dues) in order to begin showing photos at meetings, entering the print competition, attending club outings, and attending our annual pizza party during December. Learn how to join the Eastside Camera Club.
Contact:You can find us on Flickr and Facebook, or email us at EccMacombMi@gmail.com

We welcome you to attend an upcoming Monthly Meeting and see how much fun it would be to become a member. Still on the fence? Read about Why You Should Join a Camera Club.