Eastside Camera Club - 2024 Photographic Society of America Evaluation

The Eastside Camera Club is a member of the Photographic Society of America, thanks to Bill Buchanan. They offer a service by which member clubs can submit photos for them to judge and comment on, as described here.

Submit one 1920 (max) by 1080 (max) color digital photograph to be evaluated and judged. The photo can be of any subject or theme, can be either Color or Black and White, and can have been previously shown at an Eastside Camera Club meeting, but cannot have been submitted to a prior Print Competition or PSA Photo Evaluation.

The first-place winner will receive $25 from the club, second-place will receive $15, third-place will receive $10, and there will be 3 honorable mentions named as well.

This is a great opportunity to get professional-grade comments on your photography and improve your skills.

Hints: The judging might be based on 3 factors: Interest, Composition and Technique, as explained in Bill Buchanan's Image Impact presentation.

See the 2024 evaluation results.