Eastside Camera Club - Color Creative

Click for Examples of Color Creative submissions
(notice the filenames as you peruse the photos)

A photo submitted for the Color Creative topic should have significant post-processing or computer manipulation applied instead of just being straight out of the camera or slightly adjusted. Despite the topic's name, the submitted photo can be monochrome; creative processing is the crucial element.

For each submission in the Color Creative topic, two photos should be sent:

"Title" is whatever brief title you choose for your photo. "LastName" is your own last name, and "FirstName" is your own first name. There should be a space between each word in the filename, as shown above. Please include a leading zero in the number.

Be sure to use the identical Title, Lastname and Firstname in the two submitted photos so the "final" photo displays right after the "original" photo during the meeting (and on the website) when photos are displayed in alphabetical order. The pair of photos, original and final, counts as only one toward your maximum number of photos permitted for submission.

For your second pair of Color Creative submissions to a meeting, replace "CC 01 Title..." with "CC 02 Title...".

Here are the filenames of two example sets of Color Creative entries: